S1 Ep 2: 46 Long


Команда форума

Directed by: Dan Attias
Written by: David Chase

Giacomo "Jackie" Aprile, acting boss of the family, is deathly ill with cancer - and Tony's about to get into a power struggle with Uncle Junior he doesn't even want. Tony finally gets Livia to live in the retirement community after much fuss. When the car belonging to Anthony Jr.'s teacher is stolen, Tony sends lieutenants Big Pussy and Paulie Walnuts to work over the thieves and get the car back. After Christopher and his associate Brendan agree to pay Uncle Junior a 15K "tribute" for accidentally jacking a Junior-protected truck full of DVD's, the none-too-bright Brendan hits the same trucking company again -- this time ending up with a casualty and some gorgeous Italian suits.
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